For a comprehensive list of our publications prior to the establishment of CHANGE Leiden in 2020 click here

  • Kellij, S., Lodder, G.A., Giletta, M., Zimmer-Gembeck, M. J., Güroğlu, B.*, & Veenstra, R.* "Are there Negative cycles of peer Victimization and rejection sensitivity? Testing ri-CLPMs in two longitudinal samples of young adolescents. Development and Psychopathology, 1-13. doi:10.1017/S0954579423000123 **Shared last authorship. 

  • Wikman, P., Moisala, M.,  Ylinen, A., Lindblom, J., Leikas, S., Salmela-Aro, K., Lonka, K., Güroğlu, B., Alho, K. (2022). Brain responses to peer feedback in social media are modulated by valence and personality dimensions in late adolescence. Frontiers in Behavioral Neuroscience.

  • Mulder, R. H., Vicente, M. L., Hidalgo, A. P. C., Steenkamp, L. R., Güroğlu, B., Tiemeier, H., & Muetzel, R. L. (2022). Connecting the dots: Social networks in the classroom and white matter connections in the brain. Journal of Child Psychology and Psychiatry. 

  • Gotlieb, R.*, Hickey-Moody, A.*, Güroğlu, B.*, Burnard, P.*, Horn, C., Willcox, M., Saadatmand, M., Linzarini, A., Vandenbroucke, A., Albanese, D. Bayley, A., Blaise, M., Blanchet, P.-A., Campos, A.L., Cavioni, V., Cefai, C., Collie, R.J., Dumontheil, I., Emery, H., Fuligni, A., Glaveanu, V., Gibson, J., Glozah, F.N., Kuo, H.-C., Lagi, R., Lammes, S., Macfarlane, A.H., Martinsone, B., Mclellan, R., Pekrun, R., Poulou, M., Rey, J., Rieffe, C., Rodriguez, V., Rojas, N., Rosenbaum, G., Sinha, P.,  Stirling, S., Wu, J.-J., and Zhou, J. (2022). ‘The Social and Emotional Foundations of Learning’ in Bugden, S. and Borst, G. (eds.) Education and the Learning Experience in Reimagining Education: The International Science and Evidence based Education Assessment [Duraiappah, A.K., Atteveldt, N.M. van et al. (eds.)]. New Delhi: UNESCO MGIEP. In Press. *shared first authorship

  • Gotlieb R., Hickey-Moody A., Güroglu B., Burnard P., Horn C., Willcox M., Saadatmand M., Linzarini A., Vandenbroucke A.R.E., Albanese D., Bayley A., Blaise M., Blanchet P.-A., Campos A.L., Cavioni V., Cefai C., Collie R.J., Dumontheil I., Emery H., Fuligni A., Glaveanu V., Gibson J., Glozah F.N., Kuo H.-C., Lagi R., Lammes S., Macfarlane A.H., Martinsone B., Mclellan R., Pekrun R., Poulou M., Rey J., Rieffe C., Rodriguez V., Rojas N., Rosenbaum G., Sinha P., Stirling S., Wu J.-J. & Zhou J. (2022), Education and the learning experience in reimagining education: the International Science and Evidence based Education assessment . New Delhi: UNESCO Mahatma Ghandi Institute of Education for Peace and Sustainable Development.